A Restart... A Journey

I'm a really good procrastinator.  If I don't want to do something and I don't have to do something, it can go undone for a very long time.  The perfect example is this blog.  I said I would write the story of my call and in July that felt much too large to deal with.

I will share my call.  I'll add a page with a version of it for people to read on their own.  I'll update it over time because call and vocation are constantly changing as you change.

Speaking of procrastination, I am currently procrastinating from my homework.  I've started my 2nd semester at Garrett.  I survived my 1st semester, taking 16 credit hours, and I'm doing it all over again.

What I learned I need to do this semester is focus on the end goal.  I set up my schedule this semester so I could spend time at home 4 days a week.  This is for  my own sanity.  I get to spend time in my new home with my new puppy.  I moved at the end of December and am now a resident of Pilsen.

Here is my new puppy, Arby.  He'll make lots of appearances on the blog.

I'd like to use this blog as a place of exploration, a place of spiritual practice, and a place to share my experiences.

Would you care to join me?


  1. I lived in Pilsen when I was living in Chicago - right off Damen and Blue Island. I looooooved it. Super convenient for work, gorgeous neighborhood, and my block was all families so it was quiet and friendly. Enjoy it!


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